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Adjust a node's scale to make it larger or smaller.

The scale property will adjust a node's width and height by the same amount. Adjustments are multiplicative. For example, if you set scale: 2, the node will be twice as large as its original size. A scale: 1 would have no effect on its appearance. Children inherit scaling from their parents.

Below, we create a circle with circleOfRadius: 100, which will be a circle of diameter 200 pixels and will occupy the entire width of the scene (which is 200 pixels wide). But, because it has scale: 0.5, it will take up only 1/2 of the scene's width. The child Label within the circle will also be scaled down.


If you want a circle with radius 100 scale of .5, why not simply create a circle with radius 50 and no scale? Later, we'll see it is useful to create a node at one scale, but then change its scale in response to a user action.

  • See the example without the scaling applied.
  • Text at large scaling will remain sharp.
  • If you set the scale on a child, it will be applied in addition to any parent scaling. In this example, the parent has { scale: .5 } and the child has { scale: .4 }. The child Label will appear with a calculated scale of .20 (.5 * .4 = .20). That's tiny!