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The Need for Scenes

Assessments typically need more than one scene or "page."

For example, an assessment might have a series of scenes for instructions. The assessment itself usually has multiple phases, such as a fixation phase, a stimulus phase, and a response phase that forms a single trial. Each phase would be its own scene. Furthermore, as assessment often repeats trials, and each trial would repeat these phases a configurable number of times. Finally, some assessments provide feedback after each trial, and some assessments provide feedback after the entire assessment. In sum, a typical assessment might lead the user through dozens of scenes.

So far, we've used only a single scene. It's time to change that.

To use multiple scenes, create them and add them to the game. When it's time to switch to a scene, use the game.presentScene() method to switch to the new scene.

Below, the example creates two scenes, sceneOne and sceneTwo. Each has a button. When the button is pressed, the scene switches to the other scene. The code that makes this happen is within the button event handlers:

forwardButton.onTapDown(() => {


backButton.onTapDown(() => {
  • Instead of using the JavaScript variable name in presentScene(), you can also use the scene's name property, if you provided a name. The forward button handler uses game.presentScene("Action scene") instead of game.presentScene(sceneTwo);
  • Using the scene's name property, however, can be error-prone because it is easy to misspell the name (and this will not be caught by the code editor syntax checking). In this example, the forward button handler uses game.presentScene("action scene"), which forgets to capitalize the word "action." If you try it, you will get an error when you click the button.