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Type alias: Translation

Translation: LocaleTranslationMap & object

A map of a locale to a map of keys to translated text and font information.


When it comes to fonts, the Translation object only specifies which fonts to use for text. The actual fonts must be provided as part of the GameOptions object with names that match the names specified in the Translation object.

The below example defines a translation object for use in three locales: en-US, es-MX, and hi-IN.

In the configuration object, the baseLocale property is en-US. This means that the en-US locale is the locale from which the "native" resources originate.

The property localeName is human-readable text of the locale that can be displayed to the user. For example, en-US might have the locale name English. The property localeSvg is an image of the locale, as an SVG string and its height and width. This is so the locale can be displayed to the user if the locale uses a script that is not supported in the default font, and a locale-specific font is not yet loaded.

For en-US and es-MX, the game's default font will be used for all text because the fontName property is not specified for these locales. For hi-IN, the devanagari font will be used for all text.

EMOJI_WELCOME uses an emoji, and it will not display properly unless an emoji font is added. The additionalFontName property is used to specify an additional font or fonts to use as well as the locale's font. For en-US and es-MX, the emoji font plus the game's default font will be used for the EMOJI_WELCOME text. For hi-IN, the emoji font plus the devanagari font will be used for the EMOJI_WELCOME text.

OK_BUTTON uses the game's default font for all locales. Because hi-IN specified a font name, the overrideFontName property with a value of default is used to specify that the game's default font should be used instead of the locale's font, devanagari.

BYE uses interpolation. {{name}} is a placeholder that will be replaced, at runtime, with the value of the name key in the options object passed to the t or tf methods of the I18n object. If the placeholder is not found in options, an error will be thrown.


const translation: Translation = {
"configuration": {
"baseLocale": "en-US"
"en-US": {
localeName: "English",
text: "👋 Hello",
additionalFontName: ["emoji"]
"BYE": "Goodbye, {{name}}."
"es-MX": {
localeName: "Español",
"NEXT_BUTTON": "Siguiente"
text: "👋 Hola",
additionalFontName: ["emoji"]
"BYE": "Adiós, {{name}}."
"hi-IN": {
localeName: "Hindi",
localeSvg: {
// from, not copyrighted
// note: To save space, the next line is not the full, working SVG string from the above URL.
svgString: `<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 304 168" xml:space="preserve"><path d="m45.223..."/></svg>`,
height: 44,
width: 80,
fontName: "devanagari",
"NEXT_BUTTON": "अगला"
text: "👋 नमस्कार",
additionalFontName: ["emoji"]
text: "OK",
overrideFontName: "default"
"BYE": "अलविदा {{name}}."


const nextButton = new Button({

const byeLabel = new Label({
text: "BYE",
interpolation: {
name: "Alice"

Type declaration


optional configuration: TranslationConfiguration

