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Including assessments

assessments is the assessments to include

The assessments property is an array of assessments to include in the static website. Let's look more closely at how one assessment is specified.

name: "@m2c2kit/assessment-symbol-search",
versions: ">=0.8.19",
parameters: {
number_of_trials: 4,
show_quit_button: false

name is the package name of the m2c2kit assessment.

versions allows you to specify multiple versions that will be deployed, using semantic versioning.

In brief, versions: ">=0.8.19" means to build the static website with version 0.8.19 of Symbol Search and all versions greater than that.


When you are starting out, it's best to set versions to be greater than or equal to the latest version.

You can discover the latest version with the CLI: m2 static-site --list.

We'll cover the parameters property in the next page.

Why would you want multiple versions of the same assessment?

Software is constantly changing, including m2c2kit assessments. Changes happen due to new features, bug fixes, and refactoring that doesn't change the behavior or appearance, but simply makes the software more efficient or maintainable.

If a new version of Symbol Search were released (e.g., 0.8.20), you can build your static site again to include this new version. But, perhaps you had an ongoing study in the field that was using version 0.8.19. To avoid contaminating the ongoing study running version 0.8.19 by forcing version 0.8.20 on it, the static website will allow both versions to be deployed, side by side. The ongoing study can continue to use 0.8.19, but you can direct new studies to use 0.8.20.