When localizing text, part of a sentence may be known only at runtime. For example, it may be randomized how many items the user is asked to remember. The following is very inefficient:
translation: {
"configuration": {
"baseLocale": "en-US"
"en-US": {
localeName: "English",
REMEMBER_3_BALLS: "Remember the position of 3 balls",
REMEMBER_4_BALLS: "Remember the position of 4 balls",
REMEMBER_5_BALLS: "Remember the position of 5 balls",
"es-MX": {
localeName: "Español",
REMEMBER_3_BALLS: "Recuerda la posición de 3 bolas.",
REMEMBER_4_BALLS: "Recuerda la posición de 4 bolas.",
REMEMBER_5_BALLS: "Recuerda la posición de 5 bolas.",
Inserting a variable into a placeholder within a string is called string interpolation. In the m2c2kit i18n engine, the placeholders are variable names surrounded by double curly braces. These placeholders are used in the Translation
object and the node that will display the translated text.
Defining placeholders within the Translation
translation: {
"configuration": {
"baseLocale": "en-US"
"en-US": {
localeName: "English",
REMEMBER_BALLS: "Remember the position of {{ballCount}} balls",
"es-MX": {
localeName: "Español",
REMEMBER_BALLS: "Recuerda la posición de {{ballCount}} bolas.",
Specifying the placeholder values
In the node with translated text, provide the interpolation
property. It is key-value pairs where the key is the placeholder, and the value is the string to be inserted.
const balls = (Math.floor(Math.random() * (10 - 3 + 1)) + 3).toString();
const directionsLabel = new Label({
interpolation: {
ballCount: balls
In the below example, the user is asked to remember a randomly chosen number of balls (3-10). These directions are localized into English and Spanish. Click the "Run" button repeatedly to see that this number changes.