This tool is designed to create a QSF file for our M2C2 cognitive activities, allowing for integration into Qualtrics. Once generated, the QSF file will need to be imported into Qualtrics, after which you can add survey questions as desired. Please note that JavaScript must be enabled for this tool, which is not available in the free version of Qualtrics.
Follow these steps to import the QSF file:
Additional parameters can be customized by adding them to the text box on the right side of each task, if needed. Most of the time, the default settings are sufficient, so it’s best to only change parameters if you understand their purpose. Additional parameters should be entered in a single line as 'key:value' pairs, separated by commas.
You can refer to the schemas for each cognitive activity to learn more about specific parameters. Visit the m2c2kit webpage for more details: m2c2kit schemas.
For example, to adjust a parameter, you would use this format: show_quit_button=false::boolean
The suggested default parameters are designed for brief assessments on mobile devices with the exception of Color Shapes (please reference below).
Each takes approximately one minute to administer and is intended to be repeated multiple times a day over several days (For example: 5 surveys per day for 14 days).
Symbol Search
# Trials: 20
Color Dots
# Trials: 5
Color Shapes
# Trials: 12
number_of_different_colors_trials: 6
shapes_presented_duration_ms: 500
Here are the suggested parameters to insert into the 'Additional Parameters' box for COLOR SHAPES.:
Grid Memory
# Trials: 4